All our plans start with a free, 14-day trial
Are you ready to start simplifying your user feedback collection
Users are able to post feedback directly to your public board, i.e. requesting features or reporting bugs. Users can also upvote and comment on existing feedback, and everyone can track the team’s progress.
Users can vote and comment on existing feedback, creating a sense of community within your userbase. Get an idea for what is most important to your users based on which feedback has the most votes.
Structure feedback brought in from all sources to get a wholistic view of what is affecting large proportions of your customer base. Combine feedback and ideas from internal stakeholders with your users directly to ensure your product is something everyone loves.
Keep your workflow transparent, making it clear to your users that their voices are heard. Encourage bigger quantities of feedback by making it clear to users that you’re taking their opinions on board.
Simple, fair, predictable pricing